I knew that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake,chances were that no other doctor _____,either.
A.should have been B.could have been C.ought to have been D.must have been.
1.I knew 这里怎么翻译
3.Give reason for your choice!
人气:362 ℃ 时间:2020-08-28 13:54:04
I knew that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake,chances were that no other doctor _____,either.A.should have been B.could have been C.ought to have been D.must have been.1.I knew 这里怎么翻译2.我觉得...我记得I thought 有“我原以为....(但实际上....)”的意思I knew 是否有类似的用法?I thought... 是“我过去认为”,当我们现在这么当着你的面说时,隐含有“我过去这么认为,现在不这么认为了”的意思。所以译作:我原以为,如:I thought you were clever. 听到此话,不要以为我是在表扬你。而I knew that... , 是出现在文章中,表示“当时”我知道that.... 并不隐含有“现在不知道”的意思。所以,不可以这么类推。不过,主过从过,时态一致还是一样的。 找到原文,证实了我的判断:原题选项有误,最后一句:Unit Six...免费英语资料下载,英语听力,英语口语,英语考试,在线 ...Nor was I afraidofmakingmistakes. I knewthatwhenIwasoutinpracticeI would inevitablyerr atone timeor another and operate on 35 someonewhodidn't need surgeryor sit onsomeone who did. Five yearsearlier - even oneyearearlier - Iwouldn'thave beenabletolivewithmyself if I had had to take sole responsibilityforamistake in judgment.Now I could. I still dreaded errors - would do my best to avoidthem -- butIknewtheywerepart ofasurgeon'slife. Icouldacceptthis fact with 40 calm ness because I knew thatif I wasn'tableto avoid a mistake;chanceswere that no other surgeon could have, either.