The lateral tyre force is calculated using the side slip angle times the cornering stiffness.
The cornering stiffness can be assumed as constant for a constant vertical load for the moderate
side slip angles which occur at on-centre driving.However,the restoring torque causes a
different vertical tyre load on the left- and right-hand side and therefore the cornering stiffness
is amended.The pneumatic trail is also affected by the load transfer but due to the counterbalancing
effect of the right and left wheel a constant pneumatic trail is assumed.The tyre
transient describes the build up of the lateral forces and aligning torque after an altered side
slip angle.It can be modelled as a first order time lag,in the model the Böhm [6; p.48; 8,9]
approximation is used which needs the side slip angle,relaxation length and the rolling speed
as input parameters.The dependency of the relaxation length from the inflation pressure is
also implemented in the model [10].
人气:188 ℃ 时间:2019-08-23 19:38:07
The lateral tyre force is calculated using the side slip angle times the cornering stiffness.\x05侧向力计算公式是轮胎侧偏滚刚度滑角倍.\x05The cornering stiffness can be assumed as constant for a const...
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