What is more important when you are looking for a job:work experience or academic qualifications?In my point of view,i think that both are essential while looking for a job and it has to depend on what kind of job you’re applying for.
In most professional arenas,experience should be emphasized because most candidates applying for specific professional positions will have similar academic qualifications.Experience demonstrates what kind of work ethic a person has,if that person is able to translate his or book knowledge to being an effective employee,and what kind of coworker the applicant has been with others.
An example of this is people who are looking for a job of being a nurse,the hospital would of course prefer the person with the most job experience.Also i think most patients would rather have a nurse who have more work experience of this kind to help them than a nurse who might have a master's degree in nursing but who is new to the field.
But if people are applying for a job which needs high academic qualifications,such as professor,the candidates will take a look at the academic qualifications first and the work experience doesn’t really matter here.Students would not want that if they ask a question and the professor can not understand a thing.
In conclusion,whether which is more important when you apply for a job has to depend on what kind of job you’re applying for.