一米阳光 是一个典故,云南丽江玉龙雪山终年云雾缭绕,只有每年秋分时节会有一米长的阳光照下来,传说被这一米阳光照到的人就能拥有美丽的爱情.意思就是让大家去把握现在可以得到的东西,追求一瞬间的真爱据说丽江的 “万丈爱情阳光,你要几米?” 壮美的玉龙雪山上有一个神秘的山洞,每年只有一米的阳光照进洞中,如果有情侣可以沐浴到这短暂而可贵的阳光,就可以得到永久的爱情……”这个流传于云南丽江的美丽爱情传说,如今演绎成令人心动的现代爱情剧《一米阳光》.玉龙雪山一侧终年不见阳光,每年的秋天才会照射到一米长短的阳光,而被这一米阳光照到的人会得到世上最美的爱情.据说,在丽江的玉龙雪山顶上,常常在特别偶然的时间,才能看到有一米长的阳光照在上面,那场面非常宁静,非常壮美.对于一个人的一生来说,真正灿烂、终生难忘的爱情一闪即逝,正如这“一米阳光”般短暂!“一辈子无法成就的永恒,或许在某一点便凝成;一辈子无法拥有的灿烂,或许只在那一米之内.可是,错过了便是错过了,短暂的一米阳光,只会偶然地照射在人们的身边,而不会必然地覆盖在大家的周围.”
人气:466 ℃ 时间:2020-01-14 13:34:34
Yimiyangguang is a story,Yulong Snow Mountain year-round misty,autumnal equinox season there will be only one meter a year-long sunshine down,the legend is that people will be able to shine Yimiyangguang a beautiful love.Means to hold everyone can get something now,the pursuit of true love said to Lijiang moment "bottomless love the sun,you have to Jimmy?" Magnificent Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,there is a mysterious cave,only one meter every year the sun shines into the hole,if couples can shower to this short but valuable light,you can get a permanent love ......"The spread in the beauty of Lijiang,Yunnan,love story,now interpreted as exciting modern love drama" Yimiyangguang " .Yulong Snow Mountain on one side not seen the sun throughout the year,a year before the fall of one meter length of exposure to the sun,and by this Yimiyangguang who shine will be the most beautiful love.It is said that on top of the Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang,often In particular,the time chance to see the one-meter-long sunshine on the top,that scene was very quiet,very magnificent.for a person's life,the real bright,unforgettable love fleeting,as this " m Sunshine "as a short!" eternal life can not be achieved,perhaps at some point it cemented; life can not have a bright,perhaps only in that meter.However,the miss is missed,a short Yimiyangguang only accidentally irradiated in people's side,but not necessarily covered in the all around
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