Buyers and sellers self-select into and out of markets based upon their preferences,their willingness-to-pay,and the cost of production.When the market “clears,” there is no excess demand or excess supply,so no resources are put into storage and no resources are still desired at the prevailing price.This outcome is efficient.Free marketers regard this optimal use of resources as fair.That is what they mean when they say that free trade is fair trade.
人气:345 ℃ 时间:2020-04-21 18:42:09
自由贸易:买卖双方根据自己的喜好,自己愿支付的成本,以及产品本身的成本, 自由选择是进入还是放弃某个市场.当市场 "透明”, 则市场上既没有供不应求或供过于求,所以不会有更多的资源进入储存,也没有以现行价格下的...
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