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Free trade is a type of trade policy that allows traders to act and transact without interference from government.Under a free trade policy,prices are a reflection of true supply and demand,and are the sole determinant of resource allocation.Free trade differs from other forms of trade policy where the allocation of goods and services amongst trading countries are determined by artificial prices that do not reflect the true nature of supply and demand.These artificial prices are the result of protectionist trade policies,whereby governments intervene in the market through price adjustments and supply restrictions.
Interventions include subsidies,taxes and tariffs,non-tariff barriers,such as regulatory legislation and quotas,and even inter-government managed trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) (contrary to their formal titles) and any governmental market intervention resulting in artificial prices that do not reflect the principles of supply and demand.
The general meaning of Laissez-faire is to allow events to take their own course,or to let people do what they choose.The term is a French phrase literally meaning "let do" or "leave it to be".In economics of the Chicago School,it has become a doctrine that holds that the state should never intervene in the marketplace.
The term is often used to refer to various economic philosophies and political philosophies which seek to minimize or eliminate government intervention in most or all aspects of society.
Strategic industry
A “strategic industry” is one which is considered to be important and essential for the promotion and stabilization of the economy,one which serves a specific “strategic” purpose to the economy,and therefore,needs to be protected to prevent it from disappearing.
Infant industry
Infant industries are by definition those that are not strong enough to survive open competition – they are dependent on government subsidies and protectionism in order to survive
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