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人气:242 ℃ 时间:2020-05-08 02:25:54
The American secondary economic crisis has reminded the dangerous situation in the global financial market. Having entered the WTO, we China has increasingly accelerated our steps among the international competition. In order to enhance the competitive ability of Chinese commercial banks, many problems originated from negative property should be solved primarily. The key to prevent negative property from appearing is to decrease the crediting risk, therefore, it is absolutely necessary to establish a reasonable system for policies of crediting risk. Besides, the informational asymmetry, concluding the informational asymmetry amongst banks, between banks and enterprises, between banks and related supervision departments, is the crucial aspect which causes the emergence of crediting risk in the domestic commercial banks. Consequently, the main target for management of crediting risk is to decrease the extent of loss when transmitting information and asymmetry between banks and enterprises.
This paper analyses the relationship between informational asymmetry and crediting risk. Based on the cases, it analyses the asymmetry amongst our government, commercial banks and enterprises and the subsequent results, finally, it brings forth to the method for decreasing or eliminating the information asymmetry and solving crediting risk.
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