Dear peter:
I will hold a dinner party at my house on July 1st 2011 for geting together before the graduation and leaving of each.As you are a close friend of us,we would very much like you to anticipate in farewell and share the recollection.
the occasion will start at seven o'clock in the evening,with the telling of every experience,and this will be followed by a dinner party.the arrangement will be abundant and various,in which there is the singing of mary ,which would be accompanied by John.I look foward to pleasure of your company,and if you want to perform,I will arrange for you.
人气:343 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 15:56:10
as you are a good friend of mine,i wish you will take part in the party and recall the good meories between us.
this party hold on seven o'clock this evening
i look foerward your participation and i you want to play a peformance,i will pay a good arangement
我尽量改了 有些不怎么清楚你的具体意思 我就没改 望见谅
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