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你的朋友jack感到身体不适,请你给他提一些建议,写成一篇小短文 60字
提示: 1发烧去看医生 2应该休息一下. 3躺下休息一下. 4喝一些热蜂蜜. 5喝大量的水. 6多做运动,保持健康
人气:207 ℃ 时间:2019-10-23 14:05:49
Hey,Jack. I heard from other people that you are having sick right now. I hope you can take yourself well. Here are my advices. First,You'd better to go to hospital when you feel uncomfortable. Then,you may need to have rest,do not make yourself too tired. Third, you may need to drink some water or hot honey water. When you feel better, i think you may need to do some exercises to keep your body stronger and stronger. Take care of yourself!
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