You have just returned from a 3 day English Camp in Haven Park organised by the English language Club of your school .You wish to recount your experiences in a letter to your pen-friend.In your letter,include all the activitives listed below.
Day 1
-Registration and briefing
-Ice breaking games
-Workshop—How to write good essays
Day 2
-Morning Nature Walk
-Language Games—Spelling Bee,Charades
Day 3
-Morning jog
-Cleaning and packing
-Picnic lunch
-Home sweet home
人气:384 ℃ 时间:2020-05-12 03:00:12
Dear 你笔友的名字,I just returned from a 3-day English Camp in Haven Park organised by the English language Club of my school. I really had fun. On the first day, we finished registration and briefing...。。。至少200字,4段吧I just returned from a 3-day English Camp in Haven Park organised by the English language Club of my school. Although the summer was hot, I really had fun and I made friends with many people there. On the first day, we finished registration and briefing. I had a breif idea about what I should expect for this summer camp. Then, we played ice breaking games. That was a much better form than the formal introduction. We got to know each other's name as well as each other's personalities. We also had a workshop teaching us how to write good essays. The teacher was very helpful and I had some ideas about the format of a good essay.= = 字数太多· 还有两段你追问我下 我给你....
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