he,lose his pen,he,go sighting in the city,when连词成句
还有几题我做好了,When the sun shone,we were coming out.She was working in a factory when the city was liberated.I was seeing him while he was crossing the street.
人气:261 ℃ 时间:2020-05-16 16:29:10
When he went sightseeing in the city, he lost his pen.When the sun shone,we were coming out. She worked in a factory when the city was liberated.I saw him while he was crossing the s...
- he,lose his pen,he,go sighting in the city,when用适当的行驶连词成句,
- he,his,lost,way,city,in,the,big,连词成句
- 如何区分when是做从属连词还是并列连词?
- 连词成句 usually,he,go,work,does,when,to,
- had,hardly,left,he,when,rang,bell,the连词成句
- when you say GIVE to him,he does nothing,but when you say TAKE,he takes.
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- 如图所示,质量为m的木块,恰好能沿斜面匀速下滑,已知木块和斜面的动摩擦因数为μ,要将木块匀速推上斜面,必须加多大的水平力?