Firstly, the government should improve the welfare of the grassroots to alleviate thegap between the rich and the poor. Thecurrent welfare policies made by the government, such as the reduction of public housing rents, electricity bills and the release of additional CSSA payments, although the solution of the poor meet the urgent needs of little help, but the long-term but then out of poverty. Therefore, the government should change its land policy to build more public housing and public housing, and provide the public with basic housing needs. In addition, the government should implement a universal retirement protection, long-term preparation for the public, and adjusted upwards the amount of the minimum wage will help to enhance the income of the lower class.
人气:339 ℃ 时间:2020-09-18 19:14:34
1.内个~中心思想是公民福利问题么?.2.而且就开头用了一个,你后面没承接啊3.Althoug \but 不能连用啊The government is expected to focus more on the well-being of lower class of the society as to narrow the g...
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