自我介绍一下 我是高一学生一名 最近英语老师要我做英文值日生报告,要介绍近期看的电影!那还有啥说的,肯定是哈利波特撒.可是我的英语又很丑.希望广大哈迷能帮我!帮我翻译一下下面这段话!感激不尽!
人气:134 ℃ 时间:2019-10-28 17:35:12
Hello,everybody.Today,The movie I want to introduce to you is Harry Potter.I am sure most of you have seen the movie of Harry Potter,which is regarded as one of the most successful series in history.On the first day it was shown,it gain the high gross over handrous of million dollars.Countless fans were attracted by the fantastic scenes and exiting plots.
But in my opinion ,the books of the series are better than movies ,as the latter have lost many great plots .And after all ,the books are the best-sellers after Bible.The author of Harry Potter who was a poor single mother is well-known around the world ,she used to write the stories of Harry Potter in small pieces of paper ,but now her personal value is higher than the queen of the Great Britain.
All in all ,it's a pity if you haven't read Harry Potter or watched the movies ,they are a great feast for your eyes .
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