> 其他 >
1 这都是你的主观猜测.你有什么证据?
2 外表不美丽不代表内心不美丽,即使他不漂亮,也不能成为被攻击的理由
3 是谁说一定要每天打扮得花枝招展才可以
4 从离婚的时候她就一直在检讨自己对这段婚姻失败所应负起的责任,但是她的前夫又做了什么?除了逃避自己应负的责任,不肯承认自己出轨以外,他有反省过自身的问题吗?他甚至利用舆论来暗示离婚是她一个人的错.从这点来说,她比前夫更勇敢坦荡.
人气:281 ℃ 时间:2020-01-30 19:54:55
1.All these are your subeject guess,but not the proof.
2.We cannot judge a person only by her apperance.We cannot slander a person because of her pale apperance.
3.Why shall we in gorgeous dress?
4.What did her husband do while she keeped reviewing herself of the cause bringing about their frustrated marriage?He just tryed all means to cop out of his responsibility.He did nothing but denying his affair with anthor woman.He manipulated public opinion to pass the buck to his wife.Her wife is more magnanimous than him.
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