youth on the move···
The frustration they feel—aggravated by such factors as inadequate schools and broken families—has been manifested in recent years in an outbreak of drug use,suicides and illegitimate births among the young.
This generation of young people has come of age at a time when it is much difficult to become a mature,well-adjusted human being.
What appears tohave happened is young people are listening to the scientific community and themedia,which have drawn attention to the potential hazardsof long-term marijuana use.
人气:193 ℃ 时间:2020-05-10 13:32:39
这一代的年轻人正在步入非常难以成为一个成熟、适应力强的人的阶段.What appears tohave happened is young people are listening to the scientific community and themedia, which have drawn attention to the potential hazardsof long-term marijuana use.看来所发生的是,年轻人正在听从科学社会和媒体, 它们(科学社会和媒体)对长期吸食大麻产生的潜在危害给予了关注。
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