of 、for、 to 、with的区别与用法
例如(1)the government should further strengthen the supervision and control of the production and circulation of plastic bags.其中的control of the procduction为什么不能用to呢.(2)I am writing to ask if you can recommend a child as the recipient of my financial assistance.其中的的writing to ask 可以换做writing for asking (3)thank you very much for having given me this opportunity to take such a promisiong position in such a best-selling magazine.其中的thank you very much fo having give 可以换做to having give 还有with,这几个词我老是分不清楚,不知道什么时候该用哪一个,希望有人能帮帮我 还有那个可数名词,是不是前面不加冠词之类的都要用复数?
人气:142 ℃ 时间:2019-11-14 01:39:15
(1)control 在这里是名词,与the production and circulation of plastic bags是同样的用法(2)不能(3)不能,不过可以改为to give With是个介词,基本的意思是“用”,但它也可以协助构成一个极为多采多姿的句型,在...
- of for to with 的用法的区别
- for、to、with、of的用法
- for,to,with,of之间的联系与区别以及各自用法
- 英语中的for,to,at,of,in,on,with的用法
- of.for.to.with.at的区别和用法,意思
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