> 其他 >
Work with a partner to complete the word puzzle .Use the clues to help you.
1.agreed,said or done by the the government.
2.like a line or road that gose in one direction.
3.a polite way of asking for something.
4.national,local way of pronouncing words .
5.the way that the words are used in a language
6.the northern central area of the USA
7.someone`s name or astong feeling of being part of a group,race.ect
8.a powerful flash of light in the sky
9.the way in the which a word is spelled
人气:315 ℃ 时间:2019-11-20 23:52:18
1.agreed,said or done by the the government.同意,说,或由政府完成.2.like a line or road that gose in one direction.如线或道路,在一个方向御所.3.a polite way of asking for something.一对一些客气地问4.nat...
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