英语作文题:“Where to Live – in the Cityor in the Country?”
写一篇100字左右的作文,“Where to Live – in the Cityor in the Country?” 如果写得好,
人气:149 ℃ 时间:2019-10-19 21:15:19
你想住哪,根据你的想法帮你写住乡下,然后原因是因为乡下远离城市的喧闹,能让人心情平静。With the development of society, people begin to face more and more new problems. Where to live is one of them. Not like the old times, nowadays, people are able to have more independent choices of where to live. Especially due to the increasing pollution of the environment, more and more people prefer to live in the country, which is also my opinion.For one thing, living in the country could provide people with a clean environment. For my health, I will abandon the polluted urban air. For the other, the country could let a person calm without the noise of the city. Just imagine what a wonderful thing it is to live in peace.All in all, living in the country is my choice and I hope in the future it will come true.
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