尽管所付表面一样,但drive无形支付没计算在内.对,我也是这么想的,请问你了解 the cost-benefit principle吗?如果sally很注重环保,从cbp上说是不是她就会选择bus呢?这个cbp在她的选择下如何解释呢?the cost-benefit principle(差不多表示“省钱原则”吧),如果Sally很注重环保,感觉不会从cbp考虑,方便原则,你认为呢?Now assume that in addition to the monetary costs and the time spent, driving and riding the bus differ in how much carbon-dioxide they emit. Also, Sally actually does hate driving. If Sally is rational, she will apply the cost-benefit principle我的问题是这样的。。所以我特无语。所以我就觉得我估计是没懂这题。如此看来cbp是一部分,还有环保因素,也有个人态度Sally actually does hate driving.。可以断定A.sorry,每次我追问都不清不楚的。。orz。。。这又是另一个问题。真麻烦你A.by choosing the option with the lowest carbon footprint. B.by weighing all costs and benefits of the options as she sees them. C.only in terms of monetary amounts. D.by weighing how much she spends with how long it takes to get there.D