【摘要】 近年来人们生活节奏的加快和旅游业的快速发展,促使中式快餐逐渐兴起,并在品牌种类、销售模式、产品创新、企业架构等方面取得了很大进步,但同国际先进快餐业相比,中式快餐业发展还存在一定差距.作者运用波特五力模型对中式快餐行业发展中的瓶颈障碍进行分析,并提出我国中式快餐行业营销策略选择和结论,即只有实施品牌战略,发展连锁经营,加强自主创新,实施标准化战略,并进行准确的目标市场分析后,才能不断提升中式快餐的核心竞争力.
【关键词】 中式快餐 五力模型 营销策略
Research of the development of Chinese fast food on the basic of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model
Nowadays,with the fast development of tourism and the speeding up of the pace of our life,Chinese fast food is springing up.It makes big progress in brand type、market pattern、product innovation、corporation structure.But compare to international fast food,the development of Chinese fast food still have some discrepancy.The author use the Michael Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the barrier which exist in the developmental process of Chinese fast food.He puts forward the selection of Markert strategy and conclusion of Chinese fast food.That is:only carry out brand strategy,develop sales chain,strengthen independent innovation,implement standardization strategy and have a exact analysis of target market,can we constantly enhance the core competition of Chinese fast food.
Key words:Chinese fast food ; Five Forces Model;Market strategy