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  “天目湖”沙锅鱼头 :天目湖"砂锅鱼头"始创于江苏省天目湖宾馆,经江苏省特级名厨朱顺才近三十年的精心烹制,现已被誉为江苏最佳传统名菜,成为中国美食天地的一枝奇葩.烹制天目湖砂锅鱼头,选用天目湖水体中天然生养的大花鲢鱼头作原料,纯天然天目湖水为汤基,加上特有的烹调工艺加工而成,由于山青水秀的天目湖不仅周围山体绿色植被过滤了湖水,而且湖底为沙质而非淤泥,这一独特的自然环境造就了天目湖水清澈甘甜,纤尘不染,故其中生长的鱼类也绝没有土腥味.因而,"天目湖"砂锅鱼头以其成品 "鲜而不腥 ,肥而不腻"的优良品质倍受广大美食爱好者的赞誉.
人气:200 ℃ 时间:2019-08-26 04:02:58
Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake
Initiated at a hotel in Tianmu lake in Jiangsu Province and following approximate 30 years of well cooking by Mr Zhu Shuncai,one of the best chefs in Jiangsu Province,Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake enjoys its fame for one of Jiangsu's traditionally best dishes and has created a miraculous world of delicious food in China.In cooking of Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake,selection is to be made of head of a big spotted silver carp as raw material which is fed nataurally in Tianu lake,purely natural water in Tianmu lake as basic soup and combination is to be made of unique cooking process.Owning to green hills and clean water in Tianmu lake,lake water is filtered by surrounding green plants on the hills and the bottom of the lake is composed of sand other than mud.This unique natural landscape contributes to spotlessly clean and sweet water in Tianmu lake where fishes are absolutely free of earthy flavour.Therefore,Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake is especially popular with a large number of food lovers for quality products characterized by freshness with no fishy flavor as well as fat without greasiness.
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