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人气:429 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 21:02:59
Small and medium-sized clusters of technological innovation in cooperation with the status quo,Problems and Solutions
With the advent of a knowledge-based economy and the world of high-tech industries,small and medium enterprises in national economic development playing an increasingly important role,but technological innovation has become an important carrier.Cluster can access a variety of small and medium-sized advantage of technological innovations,effectively raising the technological innovation capability of SMEs.China's small and medium-sized clusters of technological innovation and effective organizational forms and the inevitable choice.Small and medium-sized clusters of technological innovation cooperation is carried out through the cluster region of the commercial advantages of innovation is the development of small and medium-sized industries,an innovative form of organization.This article has been to build small and medium-sized clusters of technological innovation system framework of cooperation,a detailed analysis of small and medium-sized clusters of technological innovation in cooperation with the current situation,problems and put forward countermeasures and suggestions on this.
Key words:small and medium-sized clusters; technological innovation; cooperation; Problems and Solutions看看什么样
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