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初一水平英语作文≥60词 用北京和上海进行比较
要求写出地理位置 天气 著名建筑 人口 河流
人气:117 ℃ 时间:2019-09-28 09:11:35
Both Beijing and Shanghai are famous cities in China. Shanghai is in the east while Beijing is in the north-east. And Beijing is the capital of China. Beijing has a population of 16.33 million. Shanghai has a population of 15 million. The weather in Beijing in winter and spring is colder than in Shanghai. But in summer, it is cooler in Beijing than in Shanghai. Beijing is an ancient city with a lot of old buildings and has the palace. Shanghai is a modern city with a lot of high buildings. The world third longest river --the Changjiang River--flows through the city of Shanghai. And Shanghai is on the East Sea of China.
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