> 英语 >
(1)I am very sorry to hear that your younger brother had his legs___in the accident.
A.breaking B.to break C.broken D.break
(2)With the guide___the way,all the travellers had no difficulty in getting to the destination in the mountain.
A.lead B.led C.to lead D.leading
(3)It is reported that many people crowded into the hotel in which Jackie Chan_____Up last night.
A.kept B.put C.picked D.took
(4)As we know,English is understood all over the world___-Finnish is spoken by only a few people outside Finland it self
A.while B.when C.where D.that
人气:147 ℃ 时间:2020-04-12 14:50:21
1.C.had sth done的结构.什么东西被……
2.D.lead这个动词是非谓语动词 可以去查下非谓语动词的内容
3.A.keep up 固定短语熬夜
4.A.while 当……时 后接段时间 when与while意思相同但 后接点时间
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