往下看 补全对话 A;What are you looking at under the tree ,Jim?The bird?
A;What are you looking at under the tree ,Jim?The bird?
B;N﹎,I'm not looking at it.I can't f﹍my cat.
A;The white one o﹍ the black one?
B;The white one,I know she likes to p﹍here.
A;Is she playing over t﹍?
B;No,it isn't.
A;Is she running under the tree?I t﹍ she likes to play l﹍this.
B;You are right.I think s﹍ ,too.But there are so m﹍trees here.Could you come and h﹍me?
人气:271 ℃ 时间:2020-01-09 04:43:47
o;ind;r;lay;here;hink; ;o;any;elpI think she likes to play l﹍ this这个呢这个还真想不出来我明白了应该填lie 在这里有“我认为他喜欢这样”的意思
- What are you looking at under the tree,Paul?A bird N___,I am not looking at it.I c___find my cat
- 根据对话内容及首字母提示补全单词,使对话的意思完整正确 A:Look!What's that under the tree?
- look!what's in the tree?___bird,i think.A.A B.An C.The D.不填
- What are looking at?
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