delphi编译问题:line too long(more than 1023 characters)
if showbox(QMessTitle,'确定要删除信息吗?如果删除,信息将不能恢复!',2,Question) <> mrOk then begin get_exec('delete from t_member where memno in(select memno from t_memcard where cardno not in ' +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))'); get_exec('delete from t_jfkczda where cardno in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno not in ' +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))'); get_exec('delete from t_ryxs where cardno in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno not in ' +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))'); get_exec('delete from t_jfxx where cardno in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno not in ' +'select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))'); get_exec('delete from t_jfxf where kh in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno not in ' +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))'); get_exec('delete from t_memcard where cardno in(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0)'); get_exec('delete from t_ryxs where cardno in(select cardno,max(oprtdate) from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno)'); end;在begin行提示的错误
人气:498 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 07:21:35
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- hello,ben._________ are you?____ in the studywhat ____ you doing?
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- 已知一个等差数列共有2n+1项,其中奇数项之和为290,偶数项之和为261,则第n+1项为( ) A.30 B.29 C.28 D.27