1、他问我李雷在哪?He asked me where Lilei was.
2、你知道商店什么时候开门?Do you know when the shop opens?
3、他问我这是谁的书?He asks me whose book it is.
4、我不知道的是他已经在这居住三年了.I don't know he has been living here for three years.
5、我想知道飞机几点将会起飞?I want to know when the plane takes off
6、我问她中国什么时候成了WTO的一员I ask him when China became a member of the WTO
7、我不相信他是个工人在1998年I can't believe he was a worker in 1998
8、我不确信的是他是否在当时有足够的钱I am not sure if he had enough money at that time
9、请告诉我你在上海住了多久?Please tell me how long you have lived in Shanghai
10、他问我昨天的这个时候在干什么?He asked me what I was doing at that time yeasterday