...all rite,..let me c,..but..im not da good at grammer...
but..gonna try my best..
Resending,please confirm receive by return,.(there's no reture this work.)must be return or retry.is that what chu mean?,.
When you finished the samples,please send the sample pictures to me and cc to mirjane.(wat's cc?.i dun get it.)
From now on i going to use yahoo mail address,because i figured out that Sina Mail was really too slow,that's why i changed it.If it brings trouble to you.Please forgive me.
Both of those two construction we have been in production?...
da doesnt make sense.
Both and two cant be together..
b/cuz it's the same meanin,.
Both of the construction were been production and the patterns are new.
This is the best price we can do for it,please understand it.(As you know RMB exchange USD can be appreciate right now,..completely fooly abt this sentense.wat chu meant to?.这句根本不用加.
As you know the labor and raw material cost pretty much.This is the best price we can give to you,please understand it.I appreciate it.