1.he was sorry [ when he heard of your disappointment ]
2.it seems [ that it is ] successful
3.she asked [ if she might leave the room ]
4.the boys only laughed [ when they saw the little girl cry ]
5.don't promise that [ you will do it ] , if you are not sure that you can
6.they would be very surprised [ if they were to receive an invitation ]
7.she is happy [ that she has found such a nice place to live in ]
8.he hopes [ that he will manage ] to control it
9.he got to the top of the hill and was very disappointed [ when he found ] that some-one else had reached it first
10.i went to the bedroom [ but i found nobody there ]
人气:493 ℃ 时间:2020-06-16 14:14:36
1.He was sorry to hear of your disappointment.
2.It seems to be successful.
3.She asked to leave the room.
4.The boys only laughed to see the little girl cry.
5.Don't promise to do it,if you are not sure that you can.
6.They would be very surprised to receive an invitation.
7.She is happy to have found such a nice place to live in.
8.He hopes to manage to control it.
9.He got to the top of the hill and was very disappointed only to find that some-one else had reached it first.
10.I went to the bedroom only to find nobody there.
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