Complaint Free World,inc.is a non-profit,non-religious 501c3 organization which provides Complaint Free purple bracelets and other materials to help people affect positive change in their lives by becoming Complaint Free.
Will Bowen is the Lead Minister of One Community Spiritual Center in Kansas City,MO.In July 2006 he suggested his congregation use purple bracelets to monitor their success at eradicating complaining from their lives.His idea exploded around the world and more than 6 million purple Complaint Free bracelets have been sent to people in over 106 countries.
Their vision:
We envision a positive shift in our world's consciousness.
We see a day when people focus on and speak about what they desire things to be rather than complaining about how things are.
We will provide Complaint Free purple bracelets and inspiration such that 60 million people (1% of the world's population) leave the toxic communication of complaining behind and experience an internal shift toward being more positive,hopeful and optimistic.
Every day,people interact with dozens if not hundreds of others.Our helping shift the attitudes of as little as 1% of humanity cannot help but have a ripple effect which will become a cascade of positivity around the world bringing about greater harmony,understanding,prosperity and peace.