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人气:303 ℃ 时间:2019-09-29 01:26:31
Grow More Trees
Trees are tall plants with hard and thick stems (trunks).The main trunks of large trees like the mango and the banyan bear many branches,which further divide into smaller branches.Leaves grow on these branches.Branching causes the tree to spread out wide on all sides.
Trees are Nature's wonders and a great gift to mankind as well as to all those who depend on them.While some dependants stay on the trees,others come to them to rest or to feed.Still others use them to raise their offspring.Humans have used almost any and every tree to their benefit.
It is very sad that the same humans are destroying trees all over the world in the name of "development".This can be to create factories,new townships,wider roads,railways,entertainment centres and so on.They do not realise that they are making a big mistake.
Trees are useful to us in many ways.
1.Food:Trees give us food such as fruits.These provide us with excellent nourishment.
2.Wood:The wood from some trees such as teak,walnut,rosewood and oak is used to make furniture.Wood from other trees is used as fuel for cooking and for warming houses.
3.Paper:Paper is made from wood.
Have you eaten an apple?A mango?Then you will know what I mean when I say that trees provide food.Other fruits like jackfruit,coconut and figs also grow on trees.
Most of the furniture in any house is made from wood.In mountainous regions,even the walls are made from logs of trees.In cold areas,where people need to heat their homes,wood from trees is used for heating.
Trees are immensely useful to all of us.They give us so much,taking almost nothing in return!They help us to remain calm and cool,provide us with a charming surrounding and share their wealth with us so selflessly.Better management of forests would allow governments to responsibly cut down trees and develop those areas for the welfare of society.However,we must condemn irresponsible,unsupervised hacking of trees anywhere on the planet.At the same time,we must grow more and more trees.
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