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求一英语作文,the Bedroom》开头也是In the bedroom,主人公 TOM Tina
人气:249 ℃ 时间:2020-04-07 17:50:51
In the bedroom ,Tom and Tina are doing their homework .Their's bedroom is not very big ,but it is tidy and comfortable,it's wall is pink ,there are some pictures on the wall .there are two small beds ...Tom在睡觉,Tina在梳妆,衣物都掉到了地下,柜子上有公文包,一个圆柜上有一个台灯,请修改一下In the bedroom , Tom is sleeping ,Tinais dressing up .Clothes are dropped on the floor.There is a briefcase on the cupboard, and a lamp on the round cupboard.长一点,可以吗- -In the bedroom , Tom is sleeping ,it's 8:30 ,Tom is a lazy bone.Tina gets up earlier than Tom,she is dressing up now .Their's bedroom is not very big ,clothes are dropped on the floor.what a mess!There is a black briefcase on the cupboard, this is Tom's ,and a lamp on the round cupboard, the lamp is pink ,it has cartoon pictures on it.i think Tina likes it very much.
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