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How Do We Transport Our GoodsGoods must be transported from where they are produced to where their consumers are.There are five major modes of transport for goods,namely,rail transport,water transport,road transport,pipeline transport and air transport,Each mode of transport is characterized by different carriers.Railroads carry an important part of the total freight.The advantage of rail transport lies in its ability to meet different needs.Railroads can carry the heaviest and the lightest products and can run at different provide adapted cars.Thus for perishables there are tank cars,for different other materials dumper cars are used.The freight rates of railroads compare favorably with the other modes of transport.Waterway carriers offer a low-cost means of shipping bulky products which have a low t transportation value in relation to weight.They are especially used when speed of transportation is not what matters the most.Container ships are commonly countries.Ore-carriers are specially designed for transporting ore,while tankers are used for crude oil transport.Motor-freight carriers are less advantageous for the transport of bulky,low-value goods.However,they can perform door-to-door delivery,as they can reach even the most faraway places.Thus repeated,which is one of the advantages of transport by road.Tank lorries are used for liquids,refrigerator lorries for perishables,and vans for furniture and valuables.Pipelines carry liquids,gases,or solid/liquid mixtures over great distances.They can be laid on land or under water.In comparison with other carriers,they offer an economical way to transport crude oil and natural gas,especially when the volume is large.But the cost of construction and maintenance requires a large amount of investment.Air freight is used for goods where the higher cost of transport by air gives way to other considerations.For example,speed is the most important factor for the transportation of perishables,medicines and spare parts,while safety is the key to the transport of goods of high value.
人气:288 ℃ 时间:2020-05-01 15:47:43
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