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Choose the right word from the list given below for each blank:
popularitywaltzesviolindanceestablished conducted diedorchestra
number conductingmusicalOneonplayerformedstyle
over "The Blue Danube"whichViennesetunesstillname born
Johann Strauss the Elder (1804-1849) was [ ] of the principal composers of Viennese [ ]. [ ]in Vienna[ ]March 14, 1804, he became a viola[]in the dance orchestra of Michael Pamer and a[]of light music. He []his reputation as a composer of[ ]waltzes in 1830 by[ ]at the "Sperl", a popular[ ]hall in the Leopoldstadt. There he was idolized to the[ ]of becoming known [ ]in the[ ] world as "the Austrian Napoleon".
Johann Strauss the[ ] (1825-1899), son of the above, developed the [ ]of the Viennese waltz and became known[]his operettas. Born in Vienna on Oct. 25, 1825, he started his []as a bank clerk, since his father[]him to follow a profession other [ ]music. He studied the[ ]without his father's conducting, and in 1844, he[] a dance band []by himself at a Viennese restaurant. In 1849, when the elder Strauss[ ], Johann combined his[]with his father's and with it travelled all[] Europe, winning great[].
Strauss's most famous single composition is[], the main theme of[]became one of the best-known[ ]in 19th-century music. His waltzes[]over 150, their popularity, which is []maintained, earning him the[ ]"the waltz King".
关键词:1.number一群人; 2. establish确定;3.form组成;4. violin小提琴手5. to be idolized to…of… 因为…, …成为了…的偶像。原题无“标准答案”,以下结合duduzx与马来西亚亚戴答题给出答案(选词按出现先后排列):1one2style3Born4on5player6composer7established8Viennese9conducting10dance11number12violin13musical14Younger15knowledge16for17career18wished19than20waltzes21formed22conducted23died24orchestra25over26popularity27"TheBlueDanube"28which29tunes30extend31still32name
人气:397 ℃ 时间:2020-03-14 21:48:54
careerwishedextentthanYoungercomposer(?=composed]?)knowledgeforpopularitywaltzesviolindanceestablished conducted diedorchestra number conductingmusical(o)neonplay...
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