> 英语 >
New Kowloon Primary School is going to hold a charity fair next Sunday. They want to __1__ money to buy clothes for poor people. The tickets to the fair are $30 __2__. They have already sold 1,000 tickets.
The programme of the fair is good. __3__ ,the pupil team will have a basketball match __4__ the teacher team. Then,two singers,Kitty Li and Betty Fong ,will __5__ at the fair. There will also be a magic show and Chinese dances. After the shows,there will be a __6__. The teachers and parents have donated many things-books,toys and food.
At the __7__ of the charity fair there will be a lucky draw. Mr Wong,the headmaster,has donated a tape-recorder as the grand prize,and there will be ten __8__ prizes.
()2.A.one B.both C.eachD.either
()3.A.Second B. FirstC.LaterD.Now
()4.A.with B.forC.from D.on
()5.A.speakB. hostC.call D.sing
()6.A.sale B.film C.partyD.meeting
()7.A.time B.endC.back D.beginning
人气:419 ℃ 时间:2020-03-25 15:32:03
d 募捐C每张B首先A和D唱歌A促销B结束(时间顺序)C更多
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