摘 要:本文主要通过国际商务概述、谈判技巧分析以及谈判过程中如何恰当运用谈判策略三方面来探讨国际商务谈判技巧.简单地阐述了国际商务的定义,具体分析谈判技巧的各种情况以及相应策略,通过能借助本文,使大家对国际商务谈判技巧有一定了解,从而能更好的适应从事国际商务活动.
人气:153 ℃ 时间:2019-09-10 09:53:29
Abstract:This article is mainly discussing on the international business negotiation skills through three parts,including international business general summary,negotiation skills analysis and how to apply well negotiation strategy in the negotiation course.It simply describes definition of international business and analyze the specific negotiation techniques on all kinds of conditions and relative strategies.Through the article ,we will have some knowledge on the international business negotiation techniques and do international business more suitably.
- 26.已知集合A={x|x2-1=0},B={x|x2-2ax+b=0 }若,且B包含与A,B不能为空集,求a、b的值.
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