amy make a questionnaire(问卷调查)about her ciassmates’ lifestyles.she a_____40 students come questions about their diets(饮食)and lifestyles," how o___do you eat sweet snacks?" ,"do you oftent___ exercise?" hou do you go to school?'' and so on.from the result(结果),amy f____that about half of students are not fit at all.they eat too m___fast food,and few vegetables and fruit.they w___tv for about three to four hours a day ,but s___exercise.30% of the students have h___diets but need more exercise.amy writes a report(报道)and p___to put it on the get fit ciub website.she also wants the o___students online to check(检查)their lifestyles.she hopes they will all keep healthy.
人气:477 ℃ 时间:2019-09-17 14:55:09
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