根据首字母填空1、She is (e )tennis player and she always can keep (c ) in the match.
还有2、To our great (s ),the old man is still leading an (a ) life although he is 93 years old.He runs and goes to climb the moutain everyday.
3、The poor girl stays at home alone and feels (l ).Because of her illness,she can't go outside (a ) she looks forward to playing with other kids a lot.
人气:398 ℃ 时间:2020-03-13 05:42:37
2.superise active
3.lonely and
- 1.She is a famous player.She j() the n() table tennis team in 1992.
- she is one of the best table tennis player in china.哪错了
- she is a good tennis player.she won first prize in the tennis match again .prize要加s吗
- great a she player is Swiss tennis 连词成句
- He is an e___ tennis player and always performs well.
- 按部就班,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,三头六臂,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,粗制滥造.
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