> 英语 >
① As they do,heat levels will ______,and so will levels of radiation.(drop)
② Look out Crocodiles float ______,behind us (lazy)
③ It will be extremely ______ if this does not happen.(disappointed)
④ This book tells how to control your ______.(temperature)
⑤ Most people hate walking in the rain.(改为一般疑问句)
______ most people ______walking in the rain?
⑥ This bike is not so expensive as that one.(改为肯定句)
This bike is ______ expensive ______ that one.
⑦ ' I'm cold,hungry and disappointed,' he said sadly.(保持句意基本不变)
' I'm cold,hungry and disappointed,' he said______ feelings of ______.
人气:336 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 19:58:53
① As they do,heat levels will drop,and so will levels of radiation.(drop)
② Look out !Crocodiles float lazily,behind us !(lazy)
③ It will be extremely disappointing if this does not happen.(disappointed)
④ This book tells how to control your temperature.(temperature)
⑤ Most people hate walking in the rain.(改为一般疑问句)
Do most people hate walking in the rain?
⑥ This bike is not so expensive as that one.(改为肯定句)
This bike is less expensive than that one.
⑦ ' I'm cold,hungry and disappointed,' he said sadly.(保持句意基本不变)
"I'm cold,hungry and disappointed,' he said in feelings of sadness.可以说一下理由嘛。1、drop用作不及物动词,表示下降,主动语态2、lazily副词,作float的方式状语3、disappointing,用ing形式,作形容词,表示“令人失望的”4、词句有两种可能,一是控制温度,如题;另一种是control your temper控制脾气,不发脾气5、6 略7、也可用with feelings of sadness, 介词+名词形式=形容词=副词
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