> 英语 >
what kind of friends that make me ,pretty lousy friend i guess.Well ,I just want you to know that you're one in a million.前面一句完全不懂,后面一句看见million也不明白了.
人气:185 ℃ 时间:2020-04-13 18:34:04
What kind of friends that make me?那样我还算是什么朋友呢?Pretty lousy friend,I guess.很糟糕的那种吧.Lousy:差劲的,糟糕的Well,I just want you to know that you're one in a million.好吧,我只想让你知道,你...太好了,意思上应该是对的了,不过pretty不是漂亮吗?用在这里表示什么?拜托还有个句子,再帮下忙,谢谢!you have great taste in music,and horrible taste in friend,well,not Melman and Glotia,but me.这儿pretty有 '相当' 的意思,另外一句英语的意思是:你在音乐方面品味不错,朋友方面就很糟糕了。呃,不算Melman和Glotia(意思是这两个朋友不错),就我而已(意思是我是个很糟糕的朋友)。果然pretty有相当的意思,真是谢谢你。不好意思,能不能再帮忙翻译一句,拜托了!You‘ve helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of youth having any.You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems. I never think of you is having any. 你总能让我看到问题光亮的一面,我却没想到你也有烦心事儿。但是这是一句话中间还有个that貌似是从句呀?
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