这里为什么要用to which,
Thursday’s apology,coming at a time when the president and his administration are under intense criticism over the rollout of the health-care law,highlights the extent to which it has become a political liability for the White House.
人气:464 ℃ 时间:2020-08-27 00:32:32
最简单的方法是从the extent to which it has become a political liability for the White House.的问句开始,这个句子的问句是To what extent has it become a political liability for the White House?句子的倒装...
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- 请问on which,by which,to which,from which,in which,with which,in which,for which,of which的区
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- It is late in the afternoon,A man goes into a__ and shows a coat o the shop assistant
- Trees ___gently in the breeze.
- 当a等于什么整数时,关于xy的方程组x-y-a=0
- 已知E,FG,H分别为空间四边形ABCD的边AB,BC,CD,DA的中点,若EG⊥ FH,求证AC=BD
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