人气:176 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 05:04:35
你不会写啊嗯嗯我试试嗯嗯The end of a day of learning, i still stay in the class with two classmates ,because there is some problemswhich we need to discuss together.The problem is about maths,English,and so on.It's helpful and effecial that we discuss together in order to solve our puzzles.The another reason why we study together is that we have a realxed and joyful learning environment.We always study aboutone hour . After the learning discusstion ,we will back home together or have a play ,like football, baskerball and volleyball.This is my afterschool activities , it can flsh my brain, improve my study efficiency and strong my body.写了一百多句,好了吧Don't mention it in the
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