以the best present为题写一篇英语作文,
人气:277 ℃ 时间:2020-03-14 08:05:40
Smile——The best Present In a certain degree, smile means understanding, tolerance and comfort. To those who need help and comfort urgently, smile is just like the warm flame in cold winter and disperse the coldness in the heart. Smile is also like a lamp in the long night, it can light the way and show the direction out. Facing a warm smile, you will never feel lonely any more. Perhaps you can get the confidence to overcome the difficulties from it. Meeting one needs your help, if you think you can do nothing useful for him, please give him a bright and sincere smile. Remember, sometimes smile is even more important than money; smile is the biggest help to others!
- 改为同义句
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- (x-y)(x-2y)-6y^2 因式分解
- (1)6分之5一6分之1=.(2)10分之3十5分之1=.(3)5分之1一8分之1十5分之4=.(4)5分之4一(4分之1十5分之2)=.