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2009年12月22日消息,研究机构Strategy Analytics发布最新的研究报告“全球数字媒体和娱乐市场预测 2004-2012”.该报告结果显示,全球数字媒体收入在2008年将超过8450亿美元.特别在21世纪全球信息化产业逐步成熟,逐渐成为各国推动经济发展的重要力量的数字产业,其涵盖领域不仅包括各大传媒(传统媒体),还包括近十几年发展迅猛的“第四媒体”和“第五媒体”.
关键词 数字媒 发展 现状 数字技术 行业
(我英语水平太差了 论文就剩这个没完成了 请大家帮个忙
人气:398 ℃ 时间:2020-06-08 20:05:42
In recent years,computer network technology,digital technology and communication technology matures,which greatly promoted the development of digital media industry.Digital media industry based on film,animation,graphics and sound technology as the core,with digital media as the carrier of the industry,industry covers information,communication and advertisement,communication,education,entertainment,the network of electronic publication etc.Although domestic digital media industry started late,but the development in the future.Which combines high-tech and cultural features of rapid development of creative company.Digital media industry is expected to become an important pillar industry of the national economy,the development prospect is very wide.
22 December 2009,research institutions Analytics businesses latest report issued "global digital media and entertainment market forecast 2004-2012".The report shows worldwide income,digital media in 2008 will exceed $8450.Especially in the 21st century,the global information industry gradually mature gradually became the various countries' economic development is the important power industry,the covers of digital media field includes not only the traditional media (big),including nearly ten years the rapid development of the "fourth media" and "fifth media".
This paper mainly studies the digital industry in the world and China under the background of the current development and direction,and talents training mode and obtain employment prospect.Through the research of digital media and emerging media industry to help us better understand digital media,as well as the economy in the new century,it plays the important role.
Keywords digital media development situation of digital technology industry
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