Table 2,3,and 4 indicate that the distributions of the components and quantity of benthos species in the inter-tidal zone are different with different types of the coast.For the same coast,the quantity distribution of species is connected with the salinity and the seashore open degree.The salinity variation in Zhoushan sea area is closely related to the seashore open degree.As a whole,the seashore open degree is bigger,the salinity is higher.So the quantity distribution of biological species has also obvious jumping change.For example,Cerithidea cingulata,Batillaria cumingi(Crosse)and Chlorostoma argyristoma(Gmelin)are mainly distributed over sea areas with little storm,low salinity and shadow.Bullacta exarata(Philippi)chiefly lives in muddy shores with high salinity and little storm.Turbo articulates primarily locates in sea areas with high salinity and good shadow.Polychaeta,Macrophthalmus(Macrophthalmus)japonicas,Nassarius Siquinjorensis(A.Adams),Macrophthalmus(Mareotis)pacificus Dana and Metaplax longipes Stimpson are distributed over both open coast and hidden coast.However,Mytilus edulis L and Ova laetuca L live at high-salinity and hidden reefs.
It is concluded from Table 2 and 3 that different biological species have different vertical distribution,and the quantity distribution of the same species is also different with different tide zone.As for muddy shore,the numbers of Mactra spectabilis,Thais clavigera Kuster,Monodanta labio(L.)and Cerithidea largillierti(Philippi)are bigger in high tidal zone than that in other tidal zones,Uca arcuata,Synechogobius hasta(Temminck etSchlegel),Batillaria cumingi(Crosse),Macrophthalmus(Mareotis)pacificus Dana and Mactra spectabilis in medium tidal zone,Mactra spectabilis,Nassarius Siquinjoreasis,Nassarius succcinctus,Macrophthalmus(Mareotis)pacificus Dana,Batillaria cumingi(Crosse),Metaplax longipes Stimpson.and Polychaeta in low tidal zone.As concerns Cerithidea cingulata,Macrophthalmus(Mareotis)japonacus de Haan and Bullacta exarata(Philippi),their number are biggest in all tidal zones,which illuminate their distributions being extensive.For rocky shore,the numbers of Turbo articulates Reeve,Nerita costata,Macrophthalmus(Macrophthalmus)japonicus and Patelloula pygmaea are bigger,especially the population density of Turbo articulates Reeve arrives at 20 528 ind/mz.the quantities of Nerita Striata,Cellana toreuma(Reeve),Tetrachta japonica Pilsbry,Ostrea plicatula Gmelin and Actinia equine(Linne)are also higher in medium tidal zone,and Cantharus-cecillei(philippi)in low tidal zone.Thais clavigeras Kuster and Mytdus eduhs L are more quantitive in three tidal zones.
人气:299 ℃ 时间:2020-03-30 13:46:51
表2,3和4表明,各组成部分的分布和数量的底栖生物物种在潮间带不同,不同类型的coast.For同一海岸,数量分布的物种是与盐度和海边开放degree.The盐度变化舟山海域是密切相关的海滨开放degree.As一个整体,在海边开放程度更大,盐度是higher.So的数量分布的生物物种也明显跳跃变化.例如,海蜷螺,氏滩栖螺(牡蛎)和凹argyristoma (格梅林) ,主要分布在海域很少风暴,低盐和shadow.Bullacta exarata (立)主要生活在泥泞的岸边高盐度和小风暴.涡轮阐明主要位于海域与高矿化度和良好的shadow.Polychaeta ,Macrophthalmus ( Macrophthalmus ) japonicas ,织纹Siquinjorensis (答:亚当斯) ,Macrophthalmus ( Mareotis )太平洋达娜和Metaplax长柄斯廷普森是分布在沿海和开放都隐藏海岸.然而,贻贝L和卵laetuca L生活在高盐度和暗礁.
结论:从表2和第3款,不同的生物物种有不同的垂直分布,数量和分布情况是同一品种的不同也有不同的潮流zone.As为泥质海岸,数量的蛤蜊壮观,泰国clavigera Kuster ,Monodanta唇(研究)和海蜷largillierti (立)较大的潮间带高比其他潮汐区,招潮蟹arcuata ,复直到(黑龙江etSchlegel ) ,氏滩栖螺(牡蛎) ,Macrophthalmus ( Mareotis )太平洋达娜和蛤蜊壮观中等潮间带,蛤蜊壮观,Siquinjoreasis织纹螺,织纹succcinctus ,Macrophthalmus ( Mareotis )太平洋达娜氏滩栖螺(牡蛎) ,Metaplax长柄Stimpson.and Polychaeta在低潮区.至于海蜷螺,Macrophthalmus ( Mareotis ) japonacus蟹和泥螺(立) ,其数量是最大的所有潮区,照亮他们的分布正在extensive.For ,石岸,数字的Turbo阐明里夫,Nerita桦,Macrophthalmus ( Macrophthalmus )鱼和Patelloula矮较大,尤其是人口密度的Turbo阐明里夫到达20 528工业/ mz.the数量Nerita芨,嫁toreuma (里夫) ,Tetrachta粳稻Pilsbry ,牡蛎褶格梅林和海葵马(林奈)也高于中等潮间带,并Cantharus -螺(立)在低潮zone.Thais clavigeras Kuster和Mytdus eduhs L更定量三个潮汐区.