①我昨天下午没有看到他 说成 I missed seeing him afternoon yeaterday. 还能说成 i haven't saw him afternoon yeaterday.吗?
②他可以飞往几乎每一个国家 可以说成 he can nearly fly to every country.吗
③ 下班火车什么时候开? 除了what time will the nexttrain leave? 还能说成when does the next train leave? 吗 (what time will the next train leave? 里的will能省略吗?)
人气:268 ℃ 时间:2020-02-02 23:18:44
1.I did not see him yesterday afternoon./ I have not seen him since yesterday afternoon.
2.He can fly to nearly every country.
3.What time will the next train leave?/ What time is the next train leaving?
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