> 英语 >
我认为这是一次非常好的经验.作为一个国际学生,我从中国不远万里来到美国求学,看到和体验到了一个完全不一样的世界.为此,我感到自己非常的幸运.所以我坚信,人生应该充满了变数,我们应当不断的尝试新的事物,去新的地方.走的地方越多,我们的眼界才会更加开阔.见识越广,我们才能形成相对更加完整成熟的思考模式.所以如果我幸参加这次的项目,有幸在丹麦学习交流,这将也会为我丰富多彩的留学生涯再添一笔.在丹麦,很多事物都在等待着我去发现,去思考,去研究.那里的人什么样?有什么风土人情?风景如何?在那样的氛围下学习又是一种什么样的感受呢? 这些想法不断的出现在我脑中.带着一颗好奇的心,我愿意去思考去探索.在丹麦,还可以认识到不单单是我们学校的学生.这个项目还会吸引更多其它学校地区的学生的参与.通过此次机会我也可以遇到更多不能国家不同文化人.与他们进行学术交流,也是一件令人兴奋的事情.我希望此行,能使我更加的了解化工,了解不同的人对于化工领域的理解.这也更加有助于我对我未来人生的规划.我相信,没有人会对这样的一个充满新鲜感充满未知的经历说不.去丹麦,不仅仅是学习了知识,更多的是开拓了视野,充实了自己.也为自己的人生增加更多的色彩.何乐而不为的.以上就是我想去丹麦参加交流项目的原因.希望我能有机会参与.如果翻译的好,我再多加.都给你们都无所谓!急需!
人气:307 ℃ 时间:2020-01-19 22:58:01
I think this is a very good experience. As an international student, I China make light of travelling a thousand li came to American from school, see and experience to a completely different world. Therefore, I feel very lucky. So I believe, life should be full of variables, we should continue to try new things, go to new places. The more places to go, our field of vision will be more open. See more, we can form a relatively more complete mature thinking mode. So if I have the privilege to participate in this project, fortunately in Denmark the exchange of learning, this will be for our rich and colorful life as a student to add a. In Denmark, a lot of things to think about waiting for me to discover, to study. What the people there? What is the local customs and practices? The scenery? Learning is a kind of what kind of feeling in that atmosphere? These ideas continue to appear in my brain. With curiosity, I want to think about to explore. In Denmark, also can recognize not only the students of our school. This project will attract more students to participate in other school districts. Through this opportunity I can meet more people cannot cultures. Academic exchanges with them, is an exciting thing. I hope this visit, can make me understand more of the chemical industry, understand the different understanding of the chemical industry. This also helps me to plan my future life. I believe, no one will say no to a full of fresh feeling full of unknown experience such. Go to Denmark, is not only learn knowledge, more is to develop the field of vision, enrich their own. Also add more color to your life. What is there against it. The above is the reason I want to go to Denmark to participate in the exchange program. I hope I can have the opportunity to participate in the. If the translation is good, then I will add. Give you nothing! Urgent!
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