It is a wonderful place to live还是It is a wonderful place to live in?
是in the newspaper还是on the newspaper
是in the magazine还是on the magazine
是in the playground还是on the playground
人气:363 ℃ 时间:2019-10-24 03:44:59
应该是It is a wonderful place to live in.不定式to live in 和它所修饰的名词a wonderful place 是动宾关系,即语序可调整为to live in a wonderful place.
- I think it is a wonderful place to live.这句话符合语法规则么
- It's a wonderful place to live.为什么不在live后加in
- It's a wonderful place to live.这句话为什么不在其后加in?我们老师说跟什么先行词有关!
- it's fun to visit such a wonderful place(改为同义句) _ such a wonderful place is _.
- wonderful,think,you,do,is,live,Shanghai,in,a,place,to(连词成句)
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