1.If you're among the 15 peicent of shy adults out there,you may be comforted to know that almost everyone----even those "life of the party"types----feels anxious in some social situations.
2.The next step is to make slightli more ambitious plans for cultivating friendships by extending invitations to people whom you would like tobecome more friendly with.Don't start off by inviting three couples over to your home for a lavish dinner party.You'll put too much pressure on yourself.Instead,perhaps invite another couple along to see a movie you think they'd enjoy.Then maybe move up to having them over for a barbecue or a video evening.
人气:395 ℃ 时间:2020-04-03 11:53:09
1. 如果你属于那15%的易害羞的成年人之一,知道这个消息也许你会觉得自在一些.消息就是,几乎所有人,甚至那些经常流连派对的人,在某些社交场合同样会担心和焦虑.2.拓展你的交际圈,下一步应该做的就是邀请那些你想进一...
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