He often sat in a small bar,dringing and smoking considerably more ____.
A than his health B than good health C than is good for his health
Dthan that is healthy 选哪个,为什么?尽量详细一点,
人气:269 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 22:52:18
more than 这里指“而不是”.就是说他每天在那里抽烟喝酒,但这一行为不是出于这样做对健康有好处.
- He often sat in a small bar,dringing and smoking considerably more than is good for his health.
- 选哪个,为什么 He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than ——.
- He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than was good for his health.他经常坐在酒吧喝酒,量太多以至于危害他的身体.
- He ofen sat in a small bar, drinking and smorking considerably more ()
- He satin a small bar,drinking andsmoking consederablymorethanisgoodforhealth
- 已知a是函数f(x)=2^x -log1/2 x的零点,若0<x0<a,则f(0)的值满足
- 条形磁铁中部垂直套有A,B两个圆环,(A环大于B环)为什么穿过B环的磁通量较大?
- 一项工程,甲独做要10天完成,乙独做要15天完成,丙独做要20天完成,现三人合作,甲中途因病休息了几天,